When connecting to the CBCPL wireless network in Corvallis you must agree to the Wireless Use Agreement below.  You will need to open an Internet browser and click on the Agree button before you can gain access to the Internet.  If the agreement page does not come up immediately in your browser, you can copy and paste in this address to access it:

Wireless Use Agreement

Use of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library (CBCPL) wireless network means that you understand and agree to the terms of the CBCPL Code of Conduct and Internet Access Policy. Failure to comply with either of these policies can lead to suspension of library privileges and/or prosecution.

In addition, use of the CBCPL wireless network implies understanding of and agreement with the following:

1- I understand that the CBCPL wireless network is an ?open network? which means that information transmitted on this network is not encrypted. As a result CBCPL does not guarantee the privacy of information you transfer over the network or Internet.

2- I understand that connecting to the CBCPL wireless network is at my own risk and I agree that CBCPL shall have no liability for any damages, direct or indirect, occurring as a result of the use of the CBCPL wireless network. Virus protection and the security of information stored on or transmitted by your wireless device is your responsibility.

3- I agree that I will not use the CBCPL wireless network unlawfully. This includes, but is not limited to, using CBCPL resources to violate copyright agreements, federal or state obscenity laws, harass others through the Internet, or attempt to compromise the security of any other computers or networks.

4- I understand that CBCPL staff do not provide any technical assistance for wireless connectivity and that I am solely responsible for connecting and configuring my own equipment.

5- I understand that CBCPL cannot guarantee the signal quality, bandwidth availability or any specific Internet site access at any time. In addition printing services are not available to wireless users.

6- I understand that earphones must be used if sound is to be activated through a wireless computer.

7- I agree that if I do not comply with any of these rules, I will be held liable for any damage my actions may cause and understand that my privilege to use the CBCPL wireless computer network may be revoked.