CBCPL BookBox: Regular Delivery of Materials to Local Public Schools
CBCPL BookBox is an outreach service connecting the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library’s materials with local public schools. Participating classrooms receive a delivery of 25 selected library materials every 5 – 6 weeks to support classroom instruction and encourage reading and research skills. A mix of grade-appropriate fiction and nonfiction materials will be included and special topic requests will be fulfilled when possible. There are no fees or fines associated with CBCPL BookBox.
If you are interested in receiving a regular BookBox delivery for your classroom, please complete this application.
Please submit the materials request form for special requests for your next BookBox. (Please allow 2 weeks notice prior to your next delivery.)
- BookBox Application (All participants must complete this application for the 2022-2023 school year.)
- BookBox Materials Request (Submit every time you have a new request.)
Contact the BookBox service for more information.
Interested in a separate classroom card for additional items for instructional use? As educators, you now have several options to increase your classroom’s access to public library materials!
Did you know? Each local school in the Corvallis 509J School District has a CBCPL library liaison. Contact your liaison today!
Elementary School CBCPL Library Liaisons:
Adams Elementary: Kristin, 541-766-6711
Franklin K-8 (Grades K-5): Jordan, 541-766-6445
Garfield Elementary: Lily, 541-766-6784
Bessie Coleman Elementary: Ann, 541-766-6445
Kathryn Jones Harrison Elementary: Heidi, 541-766-6489
Lincoln Elementary: Lily, 541-766-6784
Mt. View Elementary: Brian, 541-766-6445
Muddy Creek Charter School: Eric, 541-766-6445
Letitia Carson Elementary: Elizabeth, 541-766-6706
Middle School CBCPL Library Liaisons:
Cheldelin Middle School: Emily, 541-766-6707
Franklin K-8 (Grades 6-8): Emily, 541-766-6707
Linus Pauling Middle School: Emily, 541-766-6707
High School CBCPL Library Liaisons:
College Hill High School: Emily, 541-766-6707
Corvallis High School: Emily, 541-766-6489
Crescent Valley High School: Emily, 541-766-6707