Our World Languages collection, located on the 2nd floor, has materials in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Arabic, German, French and Italian.


To search for books in another language, type the language you’re looking for plus “language materials” in our catalog. Example: “Japanese language materials” will give you a list of books we have in Japanese.

Downloadable Ebooks and Audiobooks in Library2Go

We have a small number of books written in other languages (non-language learning) available through Library2Go. To search for more, go to Library2Go’s advanced search page, and pick the language of your choice under the “format” option. If you want an ebook, choose the appropriate format (e.g., Kindle, EPUB, or PDF). If you are looking for audiobooks, choose MP3 or WMA.

Foreign Films/DVDs

We have many foreign films in our collection. Search our catalog for “dvd foreign films” (without the quotes). Then use the “format” option on the right side of the screen to narrow down to the language of your choice.


Try out a magazine in another language. Back issues are available for check out.

Der Spiegel (German)

L’Express (French)

Dien Dan Phu Nu (Vietnamese)


Music Online
Stream music from our World Languages collection, which includes music from 169 countries and more than 1,000 cultural groups. (You’ll need your library card number to access).

We have hundreds of music CDs featuring artists from around the world. Search for [CD] in our catalog and then narrow them down by language under “format.”

Local Resources

The Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center offers many programs and services, including language tutoring and connections for translations.

2638 NW Jackson Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330