The Corvallis-Benton County Public Library provides early literacy outreach services to the community. Early literacy training is available educators, childcare providers and community agencies that serve young children and families.

C.A.R.E. Kits (Children Are Reading Everywhere!)
Family childcare providers are invited to participate in this free rotating “book bag” program.
Participants receive:
- A bag of children’s picture books along with other literacy materials that will be rotated out every month.
- Free pick up and exchange of book bags.
- Storytime visits for children.
- Early literacy information.
To qualify for participation, providers must be:
- Residing in the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Service District
- Caring for 3 or more children who are not yet attending 1st grade (kindergarten or younger).
- Able to or currently taking care of children from families receiving childcare help through the State.
Please contact Peik-Kuan Lim, Early Literacy Coordinator, at 541.766-6481 or email for more information.
Early literacy program evaluation – we would love to hear from you!
Early Literacy Training
Training opportunities include:
- early literacy training
- storytime training
- special presentations on library services
Please contact Peik-Kuan Lim, Early Literacy Coordinator, at 541.766-6481 or email for more information.
Early literacy program evaluation – we would love to hear from you!