CBCPL Resources:
Digital Life Classes at the Library
Truth, News & Argumentation Booklist
Magazines and Newspapers online and in print
Databases research news items
Visual chart of media bias
This chart was originally published by Vanessa Otero. Here are links to her Reasoning and methodology.
As with all news, it is best to get your information from multiple sources. Here is an additional resource for rating the bias of news outlets AllSides Bias Ratings
Fake News is in the news these days.
No matter where you are, this term is getting tossed around, left and right, back and forth. Being a library, we believe it an important responsibility to provide resources to help evaluate the abundance of information everyone wades through on a daily basis. It is one of the important services libraries offer their physical and digital communities.

Articles about evaluating Information
Fake Or Real? How To Self-Check The News And Get The Facts from NPR
What Is Disinformation from Digital Literacy
Code of Ethics from The Society of Professional Journalists’
Evaluating Resources from the University of California – Berkeley Library
How Americans Encounter, Recall and Act Upon Digital News A Pew Research
Resolution on Access to Accurate Information from the American Library Association
6 tips to debunk fake news stories by yourself from the Poynter Institute, a school of Journalism
10 Journalism brands where you find real facts rather than alternative facts from Forbes
Teaching Materials from Library’s Search Like a Pro class
Resources List from Library’s Search Like a Pro class
Check your sources:
AllSides read the same stories from three different positions
FactCheck by the Annenberg Public Policy Center
Media Bias/Fact Check One of the most “comprehensive media bias resources on the internet”
Politifact Uses a “Truth-o-Meter” to indicate validity of news reporting
Snopes Debunks myths, urban legends, misinformation, etc.
Washington Post Fact Checker Check the facts behind news stories
BS Detector – a plugin for Firefox, Chrome, & Safari