Tween Library Leaders
Legendary Library Leaders, the tween leadership group, gives input to staff about library events, spaces, and materials for tweens. Currently, we meet once a month virtually using GoToMeeting software. If you would like to apply, please fill out this form.
Want to see more of what the tween leaders are up to? Visit us at https://cbcpltweens.weebly.com
What’s a Tween Leader?
Tween Leaders give input to our youth librarian about tween services at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library.
- Give advice about the materials we buy, the space we have, and the events we host for tweens
- Help out at tween library events
- Attend regular meetings
- Write book reviews to guide other tweens to great reads
- Speak up in the community about what the library’s doing for tweens
- Help make the library the best place it can be for tweens!
Who Can Join?
Tweens who are…
- In 4th-6th grade
- Interested in the library and volunteering
- A leader among your peers (even if they don’t know it yet)
- A reader! A gamer! A movie fan! A pop culture expert!
Want to Join? Here’s how!
- Fill out this form
- Or you can print one here and mail it to the address below: Tween Leadership Membership Application
- Mailing address: 645 NW Monroe Ave Corvallis, OR 97330 Attn: Elizabeth Johnson
Got Questions?
Contact our group coordinator, Elizabeth Johnson, Youth Services Librarian, at elizabeth.johnson@corvallisoregon.gov or 541-766-6784.