Ashlee Chavez
Library Director
A Letter From Your Library Director: February 2022
Dear Community, February always brings a very special library memory to the forefront of my mind. It feels like yesterday to me, but unbelievably, it was four years ago that we launched our “I Love Our Library” campaign on Valentine’s Day. You probably still see the yard signs around the County that proudly proclaim this or maybe still even have one in front of your house yourself! One of the initial activities we had [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: January 2022
Dear Community, Happy New Year! The start of a new year is always a time for reflection, both on what we have accomplished in the past year and what lies ahead in our work. Like other organizations, the Library experienced no shortage of change and challenges in 2021. I hope you feel that we exceled in being flexible and adaptable throughout the year while always keeping community needs as our top priority. It has [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: October 2021
Dear Community, Throughout the past few months, we have been carefully monitoring the use of our libraries. In exciting news, our circulation numbers are growing exponentially every month, and we are very near our pre-pandemic numbers for checkouts. Thank you for your support and showing how important you find library services in your life. What does look different this autumn are the times of day people are using library buildings. This is something we [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: August 2021
Dear Community, This month I would like to share an update with you regarding our construction project at the Corvallis Library! We are currently in the process of enclosing an unused patio space on the second floor of the Library. We worked with Woofter Bolch Architecture to come up with a wonderful design that remodels 2,400 square feet and adds an additional 1,200 square feet to the building’s floor plan. Our new space will [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: July 2021
Dear Community, It would be remiss of me to start this month’s letter with anything other than appreciation. It has been amazing to see your faces in our libraries again over the past month! I have enjoyed watching children walk out with piles of books and materials almost as big as they are! I have seen tears of joy, cheering and clapping and excitement. All of it fills me with gratitude that you have [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: June 2021
June 1, 2021 Dear Community, As announced in my last newsletter, our libraries will soon be offering Browse and Go services! With Browse and Go, we are inviting you inside of our library buildings again, during the same hours we were previously open pre-pandemic, to browse for items to check out. You will be able to use self-checkout machines and we will have staff available to assist with you with checkout if needed. While [Read more]
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