Photo of plastic cup smartphone amplifier

Make a small speaker to amplify the sound from your smartphone!

Photo of smartphone speaker supplies

Gather your materials:

  • duct tape
  • toilet paper or paper towel tube
  • scissors
  • 2 paper or plastic cups


  1. Cover the toilet paper or paper towel tube in duct tape.
  2. Cut a hole in the tube with scissors so that your smartphone can “sit” in it (use your smartphone to measure the size of the hole).
  3. Cut a hole towards the bottom of each cup approximately the size of the tube.
  4. Insert the ends of the tube into the holes you cut in the cups, then rest your smartphone in the tube. Now you have a small amplifier!
Photo of duct tape on cardboard roll
Photo of slot cut to fit smart phone
Photo of holes cut in cups
Photo of cup and tube components
Photo of plastic cup smartphone amplifier

from Ann at the Philomath Community Library