Dear Community,

Welcome to our 31st season of Random Review! This month’s newsletter shines a spotlight on this long-standing and popular event series.

I recall, with great clarity, one of the first events I took part in as the new CBCPL Library Director. It was the 25th Anniversary Random Review Celebration event, a Reader’s Theater, where I had the honor of reading from Kathleen Dean Moore’s Riverwalking, an apt and inspiring choice for someone new to the Pacific Northwest like myself.

After that, I was hooked. I attended Random Review whenever I could, often standing in the back of a packed room with no open seats. A couple of years later, I was invited to present my own Random Review, on Susan Orlean’s The Library Book. While the book is about the 1986 catastrophic fire at the Los Angeles Public Library, it is also an homage to libraries in general. Presenting that Random Review program is one of my fondest memories so far as Library Director. I know that most of you have similarly fond memories associated with Random Review, and none of that would have been possible without our Random Review Coordinators!

Before we start our newest season, I’d like to take a moment to thank our most recent long-standing Random Review Coordinators, Debra Goldenberg and Connie Georgiou. Debra became the Chair of Random Review 15 years ago, and Connie joined in as Co-chair 13 years ago. Together, they have led us through some amazing seasons, including several seasons during the pandemic. Debra and Connie are ready to hand the reins over to someone new, except for the first time in Random Review’s history, the folks taking over are library staff!

Yes, that’s right. We want to support the longevity and quality of one of our most popular programs by lending staff support. Random Review is still a partnership program with the Friends of the Library, and we are thankful that Debra and Connie will stick around as part of the Random Review Selection Committee.

So as we think about all of those great memories we’ve had over the past 15 years of Random Review, let’s remember that they are thanks to Debra and Connie, and their many helpers. Please take a moment with me to respect and appreciate the work and effort they’ve put into sustaining this wonderful program over the years.

I hope you are ready to enjoy our upcoming season of Random Review. I am certain it will be another great series of programs.
