Dear Community,

February always brings a very special library memory to the forefront of my mind. It feels like yesterday to me, but unbelievably, it was four years ago that we launched our “I Love Our Library” campaign on Valentine’s Day. You probably still see the yard signs around the County that proudly proclaim this or maybe still even have one in front of your house yourself!

One of the initial activities we had on launch day, involved asking patrons to write us the equivalent of a Valentine’s Day card. The card was a simple white square that had the words: “I love…” and invited patrons to fill in the blank with something they loved about the library.

We received over 700 responses to that ask. Over 75% of the responses we received mentioned the collection or library staff as something that they loved, but there were a few comments that really spoke to me and have never left my mind. The past couple of years have been difficult for us all and recalling these sentiments kept me encouraged. I am sharing a few with you in the hopes that you can see the myriad of ways library service is meaningful to people throughout the community.

♥   I love feeling welcome.
♥   I love that you don’t have to pay anything. It’s all free.
♥   Thank you for giving me so many resources. You’ve made college so much easier.
♥   It is my break from the street. I can spend the day knowing I will not get attacked. Everyone is polite. I am welcomed here.
♥   I love to see my kids being hungry for more books.
♥   My husband died yesterday and I’m here because I needed to come to my favorite place.
♥   I love that the library is a positive place for families in our city.
♥   I love the inclusivity expressed in all CBCPL’s programs.

Again, I cannot say it enough: thank you for continuing to love our library! Your support means everything.
