Dear Community,
It would be remiss of me to start this month’s letter with anything other than appreciation. It has been amazing to see your faces in our libraries again over the past month! I have enjoyed watching children walk out with piles of books and materials almost as big as they are! I have seen tears of joy, cheering and clapping and excitement. All of it fills me with gratitude that you have supported us through a global pandemic and you are still here with us.
This month, I would like to share a special opportunity with you. I have written in the past about how important our nonprofit organizations are to us. The Friends of the Library and the Library Foundation both work to support the library in different ways and we would not be the same without them. Both provide annual support to us through monetary contributions and take on many important roles. For example, the Friends of the Library process all of our donations of materials from the community—that is no easy task!
The Friends of the Library in particular are searching for new Board Members and I would like to invite anyone interested in learning more about this opportunity to consider applying for a position! This is an amazing way to give back to the library through your time, creativity, and interest!
They are looking for people with skills in leadership, organization, finance or experience leading a non-profit. However, if you are interested, there is no replacing passion and interest—so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. There are multiple needs, so reach out to to find out more.
If you’d like to support the Friends and a local business in another way, you can visit Block 15 anytime during the month of July and ask for the People’s Pint and a portion of the sales come right back to the Friends of the Library!
I hope you are enjoying summer and visiting our libraries again. I am so pleased that we are able to have an outdoor children’s concert this July, with the incredible music and humor of Red Yarn.
We will continue to add back in services this summer, and, as previously mentioned, delivery services will remain available for all service district members.