Ashlee Chavez
Library Director
A Letter From Your Library Director: October 2020
October 2020 Dear Community, Welcome to Fall! I am happy to say that all of our locations now feature walk-up hours of service in addition to holds delivery offered to all patrons who live in our library district. Every day we consider how to improve our services and provide more ways to access the library. Along those lines, we are now offering a new service: Text and Go Holds! To start with, two days [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: September 2020
September 2020 Dear Community, As we move into September, we are approaching the changing of seasons. With the arrival of fall, we know the sunny days we enjoy will be fewer than we like. Now that we have both walk-up service and delivery service options for you to choose from, you may find that your needs change as we transition into fall. We hear many questions about these services. I am answering some common [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: August 2020
August 2020 Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our survey regarding the Library’s reopening plans during the pandemic. We received over 1,200 responses and over 36 pages of comments. The results showed that approximately 60% of responses preferred visiting the library in person and 40% preferred to continue receiving deliveries. Because we know there are diverse needs throughout our community, we know that moving forward we need to find [Read more]
A Letter From Your Library Director: July 2020
July 1, 2020 Dear Community, I am excited to share some fantastic news with you. As of July 1, the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library has joined many other libraries around the nation in becoming a fine free library! We have been fine free for juvenile materials since 2017 but now we will no longer charge any late fines for overdue materials. While we will still charge for lost and damaged items, we believe this [Read more]
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