A Letter From Your Library Director: October 2021
Dear Community, Throughout the past few months, we have been carefully monitoring the use of our libraries. In exciting news, our circulation numbers are growing exponentially every month, and we are very near our pre-pandemic numbers for checkouts. Thank you for your support and showing how important you find library services in your life. What does look different this autumn are the times of day people are using library buildings. This is something we track hourly at all locations, and without the large evening events of the past, we have noticed that the number of library visitors during evening hours has sharply dropped. The foot traffic during these hours is minimal at best and we take that as a sign that you might prefer something different from what you used to. In order to increase access and hopefully serve you better, we are shifting our winter hours at our Corvallis and Philomath locations to the below schedule. We hope that you find these hours more convenient. As always, we continue to offer our delivery service to everyone who resides in our library service district. We highly encourage you to use delivery service if the new hours affect your hours of access to the building. Thank you again for your continued loyalty and support. We would not make a change like this unless we thought it would best serve the community, and we will continually re-evaluate community demand and adjust as needed. Corvallis Library Hours starting Monday, October 18, 2021: Monday-Thursday: 9am-7pm Friday-Saturday: 9am-5pm Sunday: 1-5pm Philomath Library Hours starting Monday, October 18, 2021: Monday and Tuesday: 9am-7pm Wed, Thurs, Friday: 9am-5pm Saturday: 9am-1pm Best, Ashlee Return to CBCPL October Newsletter Return to all [Read more]